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Defy the Void Page 3

  After we…

  Even now, there was a blush that danced across my cheeks. A warmth filled my body and I hoped, wherever he was, he was safe.

  Where is this coming from? This sudden desire to protect him? You’re supposed to hate him! Look at the mess you’ve gotten yourself into. You are literally sitting in a prison cell, all because of the decision you’ve made in regards to Keaton.

  I tried to argue with myself, tried to point out that the reason for this was because of my brother, but that didn’t seem strong enough, especially now that Davidson hinted he knew things.

  But that just begged the question: if he knew things, why not just tell me? I had been here for years. Hadn’t I earned his trust? Hadn’t I earned the right to that knowledge? It didn’t feel fair, having to wait until he saw fit to give me everything I was looking for. If he had, I never would have married Keaton in the first place. And I had asked Davidson for so long about Richard, and he kept putting me off, kept telling me it was impossible, when that was a lie.

  Anger surged through my body. How could he lie to me? I was loyal to him, to the Keepers. I believed everything he told me. And he kept my family from me. He kept knowledge from me, to the point where I married a heathen after seeking it out myself.

  “Kara? It’s…it’s really you.”

  I nearly jumped at the familiar voice echoing down the halls. I blinked once, twice, trying to rid the knots and tension that curved and coiled in my body.

  When Mattie stepped before me, out of the shadows, I smiled. It was so good to see her. I wasn’t sure if she was angry with me like Daphne, or disappointed in me like Davidson, but it was nice to see someone I once called a friend. She kept twisting her fingers, as she did when she was nervous about something, and her soft gaze kept turning over her left shoulder, like she expected a ghost to emerge from the darkness and attack. I glanced quickly up and down her body, but I didn’t see any type of weapon hanging from her waist or other parts of her person, which seemed to be a good sign. It didn’t appear she was going to threaten or attack me.

  “I didn’t think…I wasn’t sure.” She wiped her palms on the loose shirt she wore, eyes glassy but not tearful. “Are you okay? I can’t believe this has happened, Kara. I’m so sorry.”

  I jerked back at her words, surprised to have heard them at all. “You…you’re sorry?” I asked, not sure I heard her correctly.

  “Of course I am.”

  “You know what I did, don’t you?” I wrapped my fingers around the bars and pressed my forehead against the cool metal, trying to get closer to her. “You know I’m married to Keaton, that-that we’ve consummated the marriage and made it official. You know that.”

  She nodded once. “Yeah, everyone knows it,” she said. “Right now, with the academy partially destroyed, we moved to a safehouse a few miles into the forest. But rumors spread. And when Daphne came back, she told me everything.” A pause. “She’s really mad at you, Kara.”

  I snorted. “I know.”

  “You can’t…that is to say, I wouldn’t take it personally,” she said slowly, curling a strand of hair around her finger. “She’s…she took it personally. She feels like you chose Keaton over us. Over Davidson. And she doesn’t understand.”

  “My brother –”

  “She doesn’t. I do. I wasn’t some orphan, remember? I have an older brother and a little sister. Both of them…both of them died, and my parents sent me here to protect me. God, Kara, if I could bring them back in any way, I would do it. It didn’t matter what that was. I would do it.”

  “I didn’t know that,” I admitted. “About – about you having siblings.”

  Mattie looked away, her face turning red. “ It's not something I tend to share with people,” she admitted. “Not because I don’t trust anyone. It’s just, it’s really hard to talk about.”

  I understood that. The only reason I spoke so much about Richard was because I hoped there was some kind of way to get him back. I was willing to listen to any and all information, no matter how crazy. This is why I indulged Graham and his conspiracy theories for so long. They didn’t actually merit anything, but they led me to Keaton, and now, he actually had a lead. What happened with that lead, I didn’t know. If only he would’ve just let me tagalong. We never would’ve had to come back here. I wouldn’t be in this position. And he would be…

  Well, if he was a man of his word, he would be out there trying to find my brother.

  “Kara, I hate to see you in here. This isn’t right.” Mattie’s hands shook at her sides, her fingers wrapped tightly into fists. “I don’t know how long they’re going to keep you here for. I tried to ask Davidson, but he wouldn’t tell me anything. I think Daphne knows, but she refuses to say anything either. It’s like they don’t trust me. I don’t know what I did –“

  “It’s okay.” My words were abrupt, harsher than I intended them to be. “Not that they don’t trust you, more that I’m here. I mean, it sucks. But I’m okay.”

  “Will he come for you? Keaton, I mean?”

  I knew the answer immediately. I didn’t have to think about it. Of course, he would. It wasn’t even that he had this obligation to me. Although, maybe part of it was that. He already consummated the marriage. Sure, he had to keep me alive to keep the benefits of marrying a human, but it wasn’t like I was dead.

  “He would, if I called him to me.”

  “Then, why…” She glanced around.

  “I know you may not be able to tell me everything, Mattie. And that's okay. I would never want you to compromise something that you truly believe in. But I don’t know if this is some kind of trap. I don’t know if this cell is obsidian, the way that Keaton’s crypt is. I’m not going to be responsible for trapping him again.”

  Mattie took me by surprise when she offered me a small smile. “ I don’t think I’ll ever understand Keaton,” she said. “You know we’ve been taught to hate the guy. He’s a danger to everyone he encounters. Especially the Keepers. But I know you. And I trust you. Which means I can tell you that the cell is not obsidian. We only keep humans in the cell. In this prison. If we caught heathens or shades or whatever, they would be kept somewhere within the crypt.”

  The second she told me that, everything suddenly made sense. I couldn’t even believe I thought that this would be a trap. There was a reason Daphne explicitly told me not to call him here. Because she knew this cell wasn’t a trap. I didn’t think she was that good of a liar, but maybe she herself didn’t realize what she was admitting by telling me that.

  “So, what you’re saying is…”

  “You can call him and he can help you escape,” Mattie finished.

  I opened my mouth, ready to do just that, but stopped. I gave my friend a long look. “Why are you helping me?” I asked. “Not because I don’t trust you, it’s just… Daphne and Davidson treated me like I’m some kind of child who’s acting out. And you’re treating me like I’m an adult who is capable of making my own choices. You’re a Keeper the same as they are. Why trust me, knowing who my husband is?“

  “Because it’s you,” she said. She said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

  I flinched, trying to figure out how I felt about that. On the one hand, I wanted to smile, knowing that I still had a friend in Mattie. Despite everything, she still cared about me. She was still willing to help me when everybody else had turned their back on me. On the other, my nature was beginning to grow suspicious. Was she saying this on purpose? Was this some kind of lie to lure Keaton back here?

  I glanced up at the ceiling, wishing I paid more attention in my classes. I should be able to recognize obsidian if I was staring at it. But all I cared about, even then, was finding Richard.

  I dropped my gaze, looking back at my friend. Even through the shadows, Mattie looked warm and sweet. There was no reason for me not to trust her. I was left with the choice: did I trust her and call Keaton to me, risking his capture? Or did I let myself remain here, alone?
I had no idea what Davidson planned to do with me. I didn’t think he wanted to hurt me; if anything, he wanted to keep me away from Keaton. I didn’t think I had to worry about any physical harm coming to me by remaining in a cell.

  But I saw the way Daphne looked at me. I saw her dagger, still remember that pressed against my throat. She would do whatever she had to do in order to get what she wanted. I just didn’t know what that was. I knew her family was killed by shades the same way mine was. I wouldn’t be surprised if she wanted her revenge.

  I needed as much help as I could get. Maybe this would bite me in the ass, but maybe it wouldn’t.

  “Thank you,” I murmured.

  “What are friends for?” She wiggled her fingers, giving me a dainty wave. “I’m going to go now so you can…you know… do what you have to do without worrying about anything. I’ll try to hold them off too, just in case. But I don’t think anyone is going to be visiting you anytime soon.”

  “Do you know why they’re keeping me here?” I asked.

  Mattie shrugged, furrowing her brow. “Honestly, I have no idea,” she said. “ I wouldn’t be surprised if they just wanted to keep you somewhere safe while you figured out what you wanted to do. I’m pretty sure Davidson especially is just hoping you’ll come around.”

  I nodded. That made sense. I was surprised when there was no guilt that started to make its way into my body at the mention of Davidson’s name and the fact that he still had faith in me. I didn’t feel guilty any longer. I had made my choice, and it looked like I would be disappointing him once again. And if this meant that he lost all faith in me completely, I understood that. I was okay with that. If losing him meant getting Richard back, it would be worth it.

  Chapter Five


  “There is no fucking way I am going to see that fucking piece of shit,” Keaton drawled around a lit cigarette, tugging at the lapels of his suit.

  Ambrose sat in front of him on the edge of the couch, angling his neck up to look at the moldy ceiling. He didn’t bother to hide his disgust. There was a wrinkle over his nose and his mouth hung open into a scowl.

  “You know you don’t have a say in that,” Ambrose said, not moving to look at his brother. “If he wants to see you, he will see you. You might as well do it on his terms and save yourself a fight you will lose.”

  Keaton clenched his teeth together, shoving his hands back in his pockets. As much as it pained him to admit it, Ambrose wasn’t wrong. More than that, part of Keaton was curious why the Prince wanted to see him at all. He was almost positive it had to do with Kara, especially if the bastard had come to his home and attempted to get her to invite the Prince inside.

  Maybe this was a good thing.

  Maybe he could teach the Prince that he wasn’t allowed to fuck around with things that belonged to Keaton. Seemed like the Prince needed the lesson, and Keaton was just the person to give it to him.

  “Why’d they send you?” Keaton asked, taking another long drag of the cigarette.

  “I am an agent.”


  “I don't know, big brother, maybe they think if anyone can get you to the Prince, it’s me.”

  Keaton snorted. “They don’t know shit.”

  “My sentiments exactly.” Ambrose slowly stood before making his way to Keaton in that obnoxiously fluid way of his. “Of course, as I stated before, you will go to that meeting.”

  Keaton grinned, removing the cigarette from his mouth with one hand and keeping the other in his pocket. “You really think you can get me to do that? I’ll go because I want to go, not because you have anything to do with it. If they really wanted my compliance, they should have sent me a busty blonde making goo-goo eyes at me and blowing me –“


  “Kisses.” He waved his hand around, smoke from the lit cigarette following him the entire way. “Jesus Christ, kisses. I’m married. What do you take me for?”

  “Ah, yes, how is the ball and chain treating you, then?” Ambrose grinned. “Tell me about it on the way to the palace. I’m dying to know everything.”

  Keaton rolled his eyes. He bristled. For some odd reason, he didn’t want to say anything to Ambrose about Kara. What he had with her was private, something other people didn’t need to butt into and suddenly analyze it. It was…fuck, it was sacred. And he wasn’t about to talk to Kara to anyone else.

  “Well?” Ambrose moved to the front of the door, only looking over his shoulder when he noticed Keaton wasn’t following. “I expected some kind of gossip about the way her thighs taste or the feel of her warmth –“

  “Don’t fucking say another word.” The voice was low, but even Keaton could tell there was too much emotion in it.


  “Oh, my.” Ambrose at least knew not to smile with amusement. “You care for her, don’t you?”

  Keaton said nothing, but when he stuck the cigarette back in his mouth, he clamped down on it between his teeth rather than his lips.

  “I’m not in the mood –“

  “You do.” Ambrose’s eyes sparkled at the thought but still there was no smile. “Oh, my God. Keaton, this is positively astounding. I didn’t think it was possible for you to care for anyone other than yourself, but apparently, I was wrong.” He pressed his fingertips together like he was some diabolical asshole hellbent on world domination. “You do care.”

  “Kindly fuck off,” Keaton said, flicking his wrist and trying to get his brother out. “I’m not in the mood to deal with your shit or with the Prince’s.”

  Ambrose’s eyes narrowed. “Keaton, you can’t be serious. You’re seriously not going to see the Prince?”

  Keaton didn’t respond. Instead, he arched a brow, blowing smoke out of his nose.

  “There will be consequences,” Ambrose said. “You know this.”

  “Oh, I’m looking forward to them.” Keaton grinned again. He rubbed his hands together. “Send my regards. Or don’t. I honestly could give two shits.”

  Keaton! Keaton! Keaton!

  His smirk only deepened and he threw his arms up. “The missus calls.”

  And with that, he popped out of the Void.


  The second Keaton popped into my cell, I had to restrain myself from throwing my arms around him and getting too emotional. The last thing I wanted was him thinking that I was some weak damsel in distress who couldn’t even figure out how to save herself. Instead, I tensed every muscle in my body and held myself back from touching him, even though I wanted to. Feeling his arms wrap around me, burying my face against his chest, it would remind me I was safe, even after an ordeal such as that one, and I needed that.

  “Well, well, well.” Keaton glanced around, a frown on his face, hands shoved deep into his pockets. “The last place I expected you to be was a cell. Treatin’ you real nice, ain’t they, babes?”

  “Don’t start,” I said.

  I took a step closer to him, glancing over my shoulders. Just because this cell wasn’t obsidian didn’t mean there weren’t any other sorts of mechanisms that could alert Davidson and the Keepers to Keaton’s presence. So far, no one had reacted, from what I could see. At least, I didn’t hear any movement down the hall. No one was rushing to check in on me.

  Keaton chuckled, causing me to give him my attention once more. Before I knew it, his hands found my hips and he slowly backed me up until I hit a wall. He leaned in even further, tightening his grip on me.

  “If you really wanna fuck with them,” he said slowly, his voice somehow rough and seductive all at the same time, “I could fuck you against this wall. Really show ‘em just how good I make you feel. Maybe how many times I can make you say my name.”

  I hated that my face was already red and I didn’t have to see it to know it. I hated that caramel warmth dripped down to my pelvis while a shiver slid down my back. I hated that I wanted it.

  “I can see by the way your breath’s gone shallow you’re intrigued,” he said, he
ad tilting closer to me.

  My eyes dropped to his lips. Why did I have the urge, the desire, to tilt my face up and kiss him? Was it relief that he came for me? Of course, he was going to come for me. I was his wife. He needed me…right?

  Maybe he didn’t.

  Maybe, judging by the way his green eyes had somehow gotten darker, it didn’t matter.

  “Keaton,” I breathed out, not knowing what I was doing anymore. Not caring either way.

  “Yeah, babes?” He pushed into me slightly, just enough where I felt his hardness against my thigh. “You’re not going to send me away again.”

  I sighed, pressing my lips together to refrain from emitting any sort of whimper that wanted to escape from me.

  We only had sex once. Was I really this weak? Or was Keaton just that good?

  “Take me home.”


  I hadn’t meant to use the word home, but it felt…

  For someone who didn’t remember even having a home, it felt strangely surreal in an ecstatic sort of way. Part of me wanted to pinch myself, to see if this was real, while the other part of me wanted to shove my head in the sand because this was Keaton and just because we were married didn’t take away all the terrible things he had done.

  He popped us back to his place in a matter of seconds. The fact that he could, that he was able to, caused me to stumble forward with relief. I almost dropped to the floor and kissed it, supremely grateful that we were here. Then I remembered how disgusting this place was and knew there was no chance in hell I would ever fall to my knees here, let alone kiss it.

  “You came,” I said, taking a step back from him.

  Now that we were safe, I needed some distance between the two of us.

  “The fuck kind of thanks is that?” He gave me a look I was baffled to find was filled with offense. “Of course I came. I mean, there’s another way I’d like to come, know what I mean?” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively. “But, yeah, you called me, didn’t you?”