Inheriting Starlight Read online

Page 4

  She has no bra on. She avoids one as much as she can because she doesn't like the confinement, nor does she really need one due to her small and supple size. She pulls her hair over her shoulder and gets cold so goosebumps spring up all across her body.

  He feasts on the sight of her and it's not long before he strides over to her, until he's directly in front of her, until he's kissing her skin and laying her down and covering her body with his. Her eyes roll to the back of her head and she simply feels everything he's doing to her. She can't help but moan and catch her breath and cling tighter to him.

  Somehow, underwear is discarded in a tangle of arms and legs. She's never been more vulnerable but she's never felt more safe. She doesn't understand the contradictory feeling. Instead of trying to figure it out, she lets herself enjoy the moment.

  It's not long before they come to the precipice of joining and before Reed does anything, he pauses, looking at her with those inquiring midnight blue eyes. She bites her bottom lip but doesn't hesitate in giving him her permission. He doesn't even have to ask because he's always had it, but he asks anyway because he just wants to be sure.

  It hurts when they're first joined. There's no getting around it. There's a rush of blood and Reed is as gentle as can be expected, waiting while she stretches and gets used to his girth. After a few moments of tension and struggling to catch her breath, she's gone comfortably numb and nods her head to him, telling him she's okay. He's slow at first, letting Elise get used to this new, unexpected feeling.

  It's uncomfortable at first until it isn't. And then she starts getting used to it. And then it starts to feel good. And then she's moaning and grunting and making these odd, breathy noises she's never heard herself make before and it feels so damn good that she can't stop the noises and there's a moment when she hopes she doesn't sound weird but then she doesn't even care. Somehow, Reed has the skill to reach between them and caress her clit with just the right amount of pressure that she reaches her peak and falls off the edge before she even knows what's happening.

  After that, it's sweat and heavy breathing and clinging desperately to him because he’s her lifeline and she refuses to let him go. All she can say is, "Wow."


  Isaac waits until Raya is out of earshot before his entire demeanor shifts. He takes a step forward, angling his body to the door in a defensive manner. His eyes narrow suspiciously and his jaw tightens.

  "What are you doing here?" he asks in a low voice. "Base hasn't heard from you in nineteen years. Everyone thinks you're dead."

  "They're supposed to think I'm dead, you idiot!" she exclaims in the only way she can while keeping her voice quiet. She's aged quite a bit and there's grey in her auburn hair but it's still Nina Scavenworth, the Rebel fighter agent. "I'm deep undercover wrapped up in a highly classified mission where not even highest ranking pilot is supposed to know. How did you know" -

  "I didn't," Isaac replies. "Raya invited me to dinner. She wanted me to meet you."

  "Why would she possibly want us to meet?" She raises a disbelieving brow, keeping her cool eyes on his form. Isaac has only seen her in old photographs on his comm and they don't do her justice. She's a handsome woman but her presence is powerful, intimidating, commanding despite being just shy of five feet. "Raya may have her attractions but she doesn't indulge in them. I've raised her well, and everyone knows your infamous reputation." She shifts her weight. “You need to leave.”

  "Raya is different," Isaac says and in that moment, it honestly feels as though he's talking to Raya's guardian.

  "She is," Nina agrees with a curt nod. "But you don't know her long enough to know that." Her eyes narrow once more. "Why are you here? Are you coming to take me in?"

  "I didn't even know you were here," Isaac says again. He feels his body ease up on the tension just slightly. His curiosity has taken over and his thirst for knowledge usually outweighs his defensiveness. "Like I said, I thought you were dead." He looks around the room to make sure Raya is still gone before asking in a whisper, "Why are you watching over Raya? What is so special about her?"

  Nina smiles - smirks, really. "You have no idea," she says. “You wouldn’t. Of course not.” She shakes her head. “I think I do genuinely believe you happened to fall into her by chance, but you’re choosing to stay, even after I’ve told you to go, and I can’t risk that.”

  "So why are you here, watching over Raya?" Isaac asks. He doesn't trust Nina to save his life but it's clear she loves Raya like a daughter. There's something staring him straight in the face and he doesn't get it, not yet. But it's tickling him to the point where he starts to look for it, tries to make connections, anything he can do to solve this.

  "That's none of your concern," Nina snaps and he knows she's not going to say anything, at least not now. "Raya is not your concern. I'm not sure who you think you are. Do you find yourself in love with her after only twenty-four hours?" Isaac swallows and Nina tilts her head. "That's exactly what I thought. You have no business knowing mine."

  "I do," Isaac pushes. "Technically speaking, I am a pilot, which outranks an agent. Regardless of the confidentiality of your mission, I outrank you and therefore, I order you to tell me what you can regarding what you're doing here. At least tell me why you lied to Command, why people think you're dead."

  "I don't work for you," she states simply and smirks because she knows this opens way more questions that Isaac needs the answers to.

  He opens his mouth, at the ready, but before he can say anything, Raya comes back with an easy smile on her face and she looks so stunning, Isaac’s questions are caught in his throat. He clears them out and gives his best impression of a smile, a smile where everything is fine and nothing is wrong.

  Raya leads them to the dining room and takes her seat. Everyone follows suit. Dinner is served.


  Reed is the first to fall asleep and the first one to wake up. His eyes are immediately pulled to the woman lying next to him, so peaceful and content in her slumber. She's a goddess, an angel, something holy that he doesn't deserve to even be around. She deserves more than this shack, more than Teryyn, more than he can ever offer her. And now, he's tainted her. Her purity is washed away with his grime and sweat. And the crazy part is, she's the one who wants this. Well, he does too but she insists on it and he gave into temptation last night because, because how could he not?

  When he opened the door yesterday and saw Stan there, his blood curdled with anger. Why was he there? What business did he have with Elise? He was jealous and Reed was not the type of person to be jealous. And the gall of her, to emerge from that hallway looking the way she did, her blue eyes narrowed and challenging. He felt his face heat up at the sight of her. She was sassing him and she wasn't even speaking.

  He was done for.

  And then everything exploded when he sent Stan away. He had no right to do so - technically, Elise can date whoever she wants - but he did it anyway. And she came charging at him with that attitude and he was done for.

  He had to kiss her. He couldn't not kiss her. So he did.

  And it set him on fire. And they kissed more. And more. And then...

  His eyes shift back over to her. She's mostly covered by his sheet. He notices the outline of her body due to how thin the material is and already he feels himself harden at the sight of her. Her cheeks are still flushed, her hair still wild. She sleeps with her mouth slightly open and a small pool of drool on her pillow case. Her shoulders are bare and she sleeps on her side, leaving her neck exposed to his lips should they want to claim her again. Her collarbone dipped down - it was defined but graceful and he resists the urge to trace it again, after the many times he already has.

  She's perfection personified and he can't believe she wants him, wants to be with him in all the ways one is with a lover. And he wants to be with her in all of those ways. He just doesn't know if it's the right thing to do.

  Ignoring the fact that she's royalty, he is substantially olde
r than she is. He has more experience than she does, not only in romance but in life. As such, there could be a one-sided power dynamic he isn't all that comfortable. However, it's the norm for people with age gaps to date and even marry. It wouldn't be completely frowned upon.

  And Elise wants him. It's not like she doesn't; she's made that especially clear. He wasn't forcing anything on her - in fact, it's almost the opposite. Except there's nothing she could force him into. All she has to do is smile and he'll give her the world.

  He walks outside. It's overcast with a light drizzle. His skin pinches due to the bitter cold but he doesn't care. He likes the cold, even though he's in nothing but a pair of old jeans. He doesn't even have shoes on. But that's okay because all he's doing is taking a cigarette break, enjoying the silence and the weather in solitude. He likes being alone but he likes being around Elise better. He wants to always be around her but he knows there are moments for space and moments for togetherness and right now, he needs space.

  He needs to breathe.

  He inhales deeply and releases the smoke into the air. He should cut down because he knows she doesn't like it and it must not be that great to kiss an ashtray. Or breathe one in.

  He runs his free hand through his hair and leans his back against the shack, staring out into the woods that surround their home. He doesn't understand how he's already willing to change an integral piece of who he is. He doesn't understand the power she has over him, but he doesn't deny it either. He knows that if she told him to jump, he would do so without question, and it's not even because she's Royal.

  He's in love with her. There's no doubt about that. He won't tell her - not yet. Maybe not ever. Not even if she tells him she's in love with him and that's a big if because there's a good chance she may like him, but love is a completely separate issue.

  God, he's a fool. A fool for her.

  A chime breaks the soft pitter patter of the rain. He reaches in his back pocket and pulls out his mobi comm. There's a message flashing, and he grabs his stylus to open it.

  Meet at 0500 tomorrow to pick up stipend.

  Reed frowns. That's odd. They aren't scheduled for a stipend for another week and a half. He clenches his jaw together and looks away. Something doesn't sit well about this. He doesn't like it. He doesn't like it one bit.

  The rain gets harder and he has no choice but put out his cigarette on the sole of his shoe and head back inside where it's warm. Maybe Elise is still sleeping. Maybe he'll be able to crawl into bed with her, wrap his arms around her, and bury his face into her shoulder. He wants to forget everything, if only for a moment. He wants to forget the comm, the age difference, the fact that she's Royal and he is a Callus, the fact that she's everything he's not and everything he wants. He just wants to be with her now. The rest can wait.


  When Raya returns, Isaac is already sitting at the table and Nina is serving the three places she set. Raya slides easily into her seat and gives the two of them a grin. Nina's home cooking makes her mouth water and she looks at the food on her plate. Pasta with pesto and roasted garlic bread. Her tummy rumbles. She doesn't realized how hungry she is until this moment. Of course, she knows wine must be poured and Nina must be seated before she's allowed to touch her food. That's always been the rule and it hasn't changed, even though Raya is twenty-four years old.

  "So," Nina says, finally taking a seat. The wine is in her hand and she skillfully pours it in Isaac's glass first before moving onto Raya's and serving herself last. "How was the infamous Rebel Base? Were the Reys all you imagined them to be?"

  "All and more," Raya replies with her mouthful of food. She eats like a civilized animal when she's ravenous and even though the best pilot in the galaxy is sitting across from her, she can't find it within her self-control to eat with a little more dignity. But it can't be helped when pesto is her absolutely favorite food - especially Nina's pesto. "Isaac took me up in his Rey."

  "He what?" Nina asks, shooting Isaac a look.

  Isaac chokes on his wine. "That uh," he says through coughs. When he finally is able to clear his throat, he forces a smile. "That's not really allowed. Just want to keep that between you and me." His eyes slide over to Nina. "And Nina."

  Raya furrows her brow, noticing the weird tension between Nina and Isaac again but because her mouth is full of food, she can't get around to asking about it. Not yet, anyway.

  "You should know, Isaac, that Raya and I are incredibly close," she says. "Anything that goes on between the two of you, she'll probably tell me."

  "Nina!" Raya exclaims, a blush crawling onto her face. "I don't tell you everything."

  "She really trusts you," Isaac says, his shoulders rolled back, looking cool, calm and like the collected pilot he's known to be. "I hope you're worthy of deserving that trust."

  "Isaac!" Raya exclaims in the same tone she uses for Nina.

  What is going on here? Nina and Isaac don’t know each other, and yet they’re treating each other as though they do, as though… She swallows. Maybe they do know each other. But how? And in what capacity? Isaac is a Rebel pilot. There’s no way he would have crossed paths with Nina unless…

  Her eyes flash to her guardian. “Who are you?” she asks, though her tone sounds accusing.

  “No, no," Nina says, keeping her dark eyes on Isaac like a cougar keeps her eye on her prey. She brings the goblet of wine to her mouth but before she takes a sip, she says, "let him say what he needs to say since it's clear he knows so much more about our relationship." She sets her glass down suddenly, deciding against indulging in a drink, and her eyes flash to Raya. "Raya, I thought I raised you better than this. In your twenty-four years of life, you bring home a Rebel pilot? Have I taught you nothing of their reputations? He's only going to use you for your body before leaving on some mission. It won't be a mission, however; it will be a lie. He will lie straight to your face and he won't even blink while doing so because he does not care about you."

  "Tell me," Isaac says, narrowing his eyes and shooting an inquisitive gaze at Nina. Raya's nose twitches at the heavy scent of food coming from Isaac's bowl. "How do you know so much about Rebels and their pilot's reputations?"

  "What is going on with the two of you?" Raya asks. There's a v on her brow because of her genuine confusion. "Clearly, you know each other. I'd like to know how."

  "Ask your guardian," Isaac says. "I'm not at liberty to say."

  "Liberty?" Raya shakes her head and takes a sip of the wine. She's probably going to need more if she plans to survive tonight. Once she swallows the liquid, she sneezes. Isaac's food is seriously bothering her but he has yet to take a sniff.

  "In fact," Isaac continues, leaning forward, his eyes only on Nina, "I'd like to know how you found Raya, how you came to be her guardian. Did you agree to watch her out of some generosity of the heart? Or was there another reason? Did someone, I don’t know, order you to watch her?"

  Isaac sounds like he knows something Raya doesn't. She looks at Nina. "What is he talking about?" she asks.

  "Eat your food," she says. "It's getting cold."

  That's when it hits Raya why her nose is twitching, why the scent of Isaac's food is so strong. Nina added something to it, something deadly.

  "Don't touch that food, Isaac," she tells him, her eyes wide with panic. "It's poison." She snaps head and glares at Nina, her face red with anger, her eyes filling with tears due to the stinging betrayal. When she speaks, she hopes her voice doesn't shake. "You are going to tell me what is going on. Right now."


  Elise feels Reed leave even in her sleep. She doesn't stir or pull him back to her. She's known for a while Reed is not the type of person you pull; he's the type of person you have to let leave and hope he comes back to you. Which she knows he will. She's always been confident in his feelings for her, even though he's a quiet man who guards everything as best as possible. It does feel cold and empty without him next to her, holding her, making her feel both safe and free
in his arms. She has no idea how he's able to make her feel such a thing but he does and she refuses to take that for granted.

  She turns in the bed and cracks her eyes so she can look out the window. It's a dreary day; there's a good chance even more rain will occur. There's an ache in her pelvis, reminding her she isn't a virgin anymore, an ache that she's proud of. An ache she wants to enflame again.

  Sex is much more than she had ever imagined. Elise likes the feeling of his hands on her body, or their bodies connecting in a way she never has with anyone else. She loves his territorial kisses, the way he pays attention to the different sounds she unconsciously emits during the act, which only propels her pleasure further with his skilled fingers, his skilled tongue, or his skilled body. She knows there are other positions than just him being on top of her, and she wants to try them all. She's insatiable in her appetite for him, especially now that she had a bite. She wants more and she hopes he feels the same way.

  Her thoughts drift from having sex with Reed to feasibly being with him. Because it is more than just physical for her; it's an emotional and spiritual bond. She loves him. There's no denying that and she has no problem telling him her feelings unlike he may be. But could a relationship between them have any hope of surviving if she is ever beckoned home by her parents? Would it make sense to start a relationship knowing it very well is doomed from the beginning?